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2 business benefits of cloud adoption

Why is the cloud so important to businesses?

Cloud technology is on the tip of everyone's tongue. Effective cloud-based business software is a major disrupter of organisations and companies around the world. It provides opportunities to innovate and transform processes that help businesses stay ahead of the curve.

Future-proofing through cloud technology is no longer just an option, it is now an essential action that all businesses should be taking. A Deloitte report investigated how digital disruption is impacting the Australian economy and how businesses are responding to it.

Cloud business software can reduce costs and ensure a strong ROI.

It emphasised that the digital revolution that has taken effect in Australia is not side-effect of technology, but rather a transformation in business. As such, companies that are not embracing technological change – including the cloud – are at risk of being left behind by the rest of the market. 

To help you understand why you should be moving to the cloud, here are two benefits that will make you drool.

1 – Real time information

A major problem of old-fashioned paper-based systems is that businesses had to wait days or even weeks to access crucial information. This can put the breaks on your ability to strategise using crucial variables like increases or decreases in demand.

With the cloud, information is accessible on the fly. Whether it is through your phone or applications on your laptop, owners, operators and workers can access data in real-time. From this, business owners have a much better understanding of their organisations, such as stock levels, sales and staffing, as well as identifying trends that may affect them in the future. 

With cloud software, stacks like this are a relic of the past.With cloud software, stacks like this are a relic of the past.

2 – Cost effective

While many owners are worried about the initial expenditure of moving part or all of their business to the cloud, it can actually have a positive affect on your bottom line. For instance, a company may spend big on software or hardware that can be completely redundant and trimmed when cloud applications are adopted. 

Additionally, a business will be able to reduce the costs that are associated with maintenance, replacement and updating. The takeaway is that after the initial expenditure, companies that invest in the cloud should see salient decreases in their operating costs. 

To optimise your use of the cloud, it is essential to have access to a quality suit of cloud-based applications, such as Jiwa Financials. With the appropriate training, you can rest assured your cloud endeavour is a fruitful one.