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4 reasons ERP and small business is a match made in heaven

A growing business needs more than just accounting software.

Running a business is a major undertaking. From keeping an eye on cash flow to ensuring customer satisfaction is high, there is a huge number duties, responsibilities and processes an owner has to attend to.

This is compounded if a business is currently going through a phase of growth, where supply chains are stretched and information becomes departmentalised. But what if I told you there was a way to streamline these tasks and boost productivity through the simple use of cloud-based business software

Small businesses need more than accounting software to grow.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) more than a big business bonus

Many small business owners think ERP is only for large scale organisation. Yet, ERP designed for small business is becoming more popular with organisations looking for cost savings and operational improvement. Furthermore, as small businesses continue to take steps into the digital age, technology such as the cloud is offering them an opportunity to compete with major companies and expand into new markets. 

However, as internet-based technology facilitates the expansion of small businesses, it also makes running them increasingly difficult, especially if they are using outdated methods. This is where ERP software – such as Jiwa Financials – comes into its own. From inventory tracking to accounts receivable, an ERP framework can ensure that a business is optimising its resources

To help reinforce this point, here are four benefits all small businesses can experience if they utilise ERP software.

1 – Increased productivity

One of the biggest benefits to small businesses using this kind of software is increased productivity. By streamlining your data management through processes automation, a business can reduce the risks associated with manual data entry. Additionally, employees can save time through automation, allowing them to apply themselves elsewhere. 

2. Streamlined data flows

A key objective of nearly every businesses is the breakdown of information silos. This is especially true for small businesses that are in the grips of major growth, where data becomes compartmentalised in different segments of the organisation. 

Switching to ERP is one way to accomplish this. For instance, a business development manager may need to access past product delivery to show a possible client the services the company offers. With ERP software, information is all in one place and can be accessed anytime, anywhere. 

Working together can be hard in growing small businesses.Working together can be hard when growing small businesses.

3. Better collaboration

If you have been keeping an eye on the Australian public and private sectors of late, you will have noticed a strong surge in the use of innovation. While many see this as a buzzword, business innovation is essential to economic survival.

While there are a number of ways to drive innovation, one of the most effective is through employee collaboration. An ERP system can accomplish this by making data sets visible across business segments, which offers workers opportunities to build together, rather than independently. 

Additionally, ERP software can better connect workers with customers, partners, suppliers and remote users through cloud-based applications. 

4. Improved decision-making

One of the biggest challenges business leaders face when running a small business is making the right choices. But when up-to-date data is readily available, management can make effective decisions that drive growth. 

ERP software allows business leaders an understanding of both the big and little picture, drawing connections and mapping relationships between them. In today's fast paced digital economy, this is essential to react to make disruptive forces and improve the overall financial planning of an organisation. 

Yet, ERP software is useless without the right kind of training. Employee development and learning is thus essential for any implementation programme. If you are looking to find out more about the benefits of ERP software and the ways you can train your staff to be effective users, talk to the experts in the field. 

Contact myself or one of our representatives today to find out more.