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Why the cloud transition makes sense for your business

It's time for your company to make the cloud transition.

For many established businesses, it's difficult to move away from the internal processes they've been using for years. Consider accounting, for example. If you've always used a certain type of system for managing your company's finances, it's not easy to make the switch to a new solution, even one that's better on paper.

Legacy solutions for managing money just aren't good enough anymore.

But when it comes to cloud business software in 2016, the truth is that it's far better. Legacy solutions for managing money just aren't good enough anymore, and many are figuring out that moving to the cloud is essential. In the short term, it's a difficult transition, but in the long, it's well worth it.

A continuing trend in 2016

Whenever you transition to a new technology solution, it's a hassle at first. You've got to make sure all your employees are ready for the switch and doing their part, all without sacrificing the current productivity of your business. No one enjoys facing those challenges.

Having said that, it's absolutely worth the hassle to switch over to cloud business software. CPA Practice Advisor recently noted that this is a major trend in 2016, as companies are realising the benefits in droves. The cloud enables them to have full visibility into their data and the ability to access it from anywhere, all without needing to bother with software updates.

At this point, there's no question the cloud can offer benefits. The more interesting question is what you stand to lose by not making the move.

Steep opportunity costs for the straggler

There are still some companies reluctant to embrace newer, cloud-based types of financial software. Those companies, however, might be hurting themselves through their inaction.

The cloud makes it easier to maintain customer relationships.The cloud makes it easier to maintain customer relationships.

Consider this: According to recent research from Pentecost University College in Ghana, it's been shown that companies can hurt their client relationships by not managing them more efficiently. Two-thirds of small business leaders responded in a recent poll that they've put relationships at risk because they didn't have the access to customer data that the cloud provides. The conclusion is clear – moving to the cloud brings an inherent cost, but not making the move is far worse.

How Jiwa Financials shines

If you're looking for a new tool for fine-tuning your company's financial strategy, it makes a great deal of sense to go with Jiwa Financials. With Jiwa Financials, you're getting an Australian product from a domestically owned and operating company that's been thriving for more than a decade.

Jiwa Financials provides enterprise infrastructure that's scalable and easily capable of growing with the changing needs of your business. As you seek to manage client relationships and milk them for all they're worth, consider investing in a tool that will help you do it.